Advanced java and
Unit I : Eception Handling and Multithreading :
Eception Handling: Concept of Exception handling, Type of
Exception, Try, Catch, and Finally. Multiple Catch blocks, Nested Try Statements, throw, throws. Multithreading:
Multithreading concept, life cycle, creating and running thread, thread priority.
Unit II : Applet:
Introduction to Applet, Applet life cycle, HTML applet tag with all attributes, Running the applet,
Passing parameters to applets, Displaying using applet viewer, getDocumentBase() and getCodeBase() methods, Applet
context, Applet vs Application, Graphics introduction, Graphic class, draw lines, circle, rectangle, ellipse.
Unit III: Event Handling and AWT:
Introduction, Event delegation model, Java AWT event description, sources of
event, Event listener interfaces, Adapter classes, Inner classes. AWT (Abstract Window Toolkit): Introduction, AWT
Controls Label, Button, Checkboxes, Lists, ScrollBar, TextField, TextArea, Layout manager.
Unit IV: Windows Applications: Forms:
Adding Controls to Forms, Handling Events, MsgBox, InputBox , Working
with Multiple Forms, Setting the Startup Form, SDI & MDI Forms, Handling Mouse & Keyboard Events, Common
controls: Text Boxes, Rich Text Boxes, Labels, Buttons, Checkboxes, Radio Buttons, Group Boxes, List Boxes, Checked
List Boxes, Combo Boxes, Picture Boxes, Scroll Bars, Tool Tips, Timers, properties – methods
UNIT V: Object Oriented Programming: Classes and Objects:
Class definition, Creating objects, Defining Member
functions, Methods and Events, Attaching a class with form, Delegates. Eceptions Handling: Exception classes in .net
framework, Structured and Unstructured exceptions, tracing errors, breakpoints, watch, Quick watch.
Data Access with ADO.Net, accessing data with Server Explorer, Accessing Data with data Adaptors and Data
sets, Creating a new data connection, creating and populating Data set, displaying data in Data Grid, selecting a data
provider, Data accessing using Data adapter Control, Binding Data to Controls.
Practical : Minimum 16 Practical based on
A: Unit I , Unit II and Unit. III (Minimum 8 practical)
B: Unit IV, Unit V and Unit VI (Minimum 8 practical)