


UNIT-I : Fundamental of DBMS :
Traditional file approach and comparison with DBMS Architecture of a database system, Data base approaches, storage structures, data representation, data independence, database models: Relational, Hierarchical, network, Relational Algebra, Object Based model, data dictionary and Database Administration.
UNIT-II: Relational Model :
Relations, Domains and Attributes, keys, E-R diagrams, Reducing E-R diagrams to tables, function dependency, Entity, Relationship, Mapping Constraints, Normalization: 1NF, 2NF, 3NF, 4NF, BCNF.
UNIT-III : Introduction to SQL :
: Components of SQL, data types, operators, DDL Commands : CREATE, ALTER, DROP, RENAME for tables. Data Integrity and types of integrity constraints. DML Commands: SELECT, INSERT, DELETE & UPDATE; Clauses: ORDER By, GROUP By and Having clause.
UNIT-IV :Functions : Number Functions:
AVG, MAX, MIN, SUM, COUNT, TO-NUMBER, GREATEST, LEAST, ABS, MOD, FLOOR, CEIL, TRUNC, SQRT, SIGN, SIN, COS, LOG, EXP. Character Function : INITCAP, LOW ER, UPPER, INSTR, LENGTH, LTRIM, RTRIM, LPAD, RPAD, SOUNDEX, Conversion Functions: TO_Number, TO_Character, DECODE. Date functions: ADD_Months, Last_Day, Months_Between, Next_Day, Sys_Date, New_Time. Joins : Self join, equijoin and outer join.
: Features and block structure, variables and constant, data types, control structure. Cursor: Concepts of cursor, types, declaring, opening, using cursors, fetching data, closing a cursor, cursor attributes. Trigger: create, Types, Creating Before and After Trigger,
UNIT-VI: Transaction:
Rollback, commit and save point, rollback segment. Create Procedure and create function. Securities of Database: Users, creating users, roles, creating roles, types of privileges, GRANT, REVOKE command, Table and Row Locking.
Practical : Minimum 16 Practical based on
A: Unit II & III (Minimum 8 practical)
B: Unit IV, Unit V and Unit VI (Minimum 8 practical)