


Data Structure and C++
Data structure: Introduction to data structure, types of data structure: primitive and non primitive, linear and non linear data structure, data structure operations. Linear arrays: Definition and concepts, representations, operations on arrays: traversing, inserting, deleting. Stacks: Definition and concepts, representations, operations on stacks: Push , Pop.
Queues: Definition and concepts, representations, operations: Insert and delete; concept of circular queue, dequeue, priority queue. Linked List: Introduction, implementation of linked list, types of linked list: single, circular and doubly linked list. Operations on linked list: Insert, Delete, Search.
Trees: Definition and concept, binary tree, traversing operations: in order, pre-order, post-order Sorting and Searching: Definition and concept, sorting techniques: bubble, selection, insertion, merge and quick sort. Searching techniques: Sequential and binary searching.
Object Oriented Programming: features, advantages and applications of oops. Introduction to C++, Program structure in C++. Classes and Objects: classes and objects specifiers, defining data member and member functions; accessing members. Managing console I/O : Formatted and Unformatted, Usage of manipulators, memory allocation operators: new and delete, scope resolution operator.
: : Functions in C++: Passing objects to and returning objects from functions. Function overloading and default argument, Inline function, Friend function. Array of Objects, Pointer to objects, ‘this’ pointer. Constructor and Destructor: Types of constructor, Usage of Constructor.
Operator Overloading : Definition, Overloading unary and binary operators. Inheritance: Definition, Visibility mode; Types of inheritance with example, virtual base classes and abstract base classes.
Practical : Minimum 16 Practical based on
A: Unit I , Unit II and Unit III (Minimum 8 practical using C Programming Language)
B: Unit IV, Unit V and Unit VI (Minimum 8 practical)