


Computer Fundamentals and C Programming
UNIT-I : Introduction to Computers :
Characteristics, classification of Computers, block diagram of computer, memory and their types: Primary and secondary memory . Peripheral devices : Keyboard, mouse, scanner, printers : Impact, Non-impact, DMP, inkjet ,laser.
UNIT-II : Introduction to OS :
DOS : Booting process, formatting, directory structure, FAT. Internal DOS commands : REN, CD, MD,RD, DIR, DEL, COPY, TYPE, DATE, TIME, COPYCON, PROMPT External commands: FORMAT , XCOPY, CHKDSK, PATH, ATTRIB, AUTOEXEC. BAT, CONFIG.SYS Windows : Introduction, features, Windows Explorer Number system : Decimal, binary, octal, hexadecimal and their conversions, ASCII Code.
UNIT-III : Introduction to Internet :
Direct, Types of Internet connection: Direct dial-up, broadband, Internet protocol : TCP/IP, FTP, HTTP, Domain name e-mail address, WWW, web browser : Internet Explorer. Netscape navigator, search engines.
UNIT-IV : Programming Concept :
Algorithm flowcharting programming languages, assembler, interpreter, compiler programming process : program design, coding compilation, Execution, testing, debugging documentation structured programming : features and approaches.
UNIT-V : Elements of C :
Introduction to C, History, features structure of C program, header file, character set, keywords, identifiers, constants, variables, basic data types, symbolic constants, typedef operators & Expressions : Arithmetic, Relational, logical assignment, Increment and decrement, precedence of operators.
UNIT- VI : I/O Operations :
Formatted I/O : Printf ( ), Scanf ( ) , Unformatted I/O : getch ( ), getche ( ) , getchar ( ), putch ( ) , putche ( ), putchar ( ), gets ( ), Puts ( ) , Controal structure : if , if... else, nested if, conditional operator , switch, goto, for, while, do..while, nesting of loops, break, continue.
Practicals :Minimum 16 practicals based on
A. Unit-II, III and MS-WORD, MSEXCEL (Minimum 8 Practicals )
B. Unit-IV to Unit-VI (Minimum 8 Practicals)